about us
We want to help people meet Jesus. To encounter God’s life-transforming presence, know His peace and flourish in His purposes. We desire this not just for individuals, but our dream is to play our part in seeing the communities of Sheffield flourish. We aim to do this by building a loving and healthy church family, where everyone feels welcome whatever their previous experience of church. A family that shares and demonstrates the love and hope of Jesus through our everyday lives.
Our Story
Emmanuel Church Sheffield is a Catalyst church, led by Dave and Jude May. They first started to sense God was stirring their hearts to move back in 2018, and as they started to visit cities in the North, God spoke to them powerfully about starting a new church in Sheffield. Since then a growing number of people have felt God calling them to be a part of this adventure. Most of the team arrived in Sheffield by September 2020 and we started meeting online on Zoom. In April 2021 we started meeting in person and it has been fun to watch as we have started to grow, become a family together and serve Sheffield together.
We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus died to pay for our sins and was raised again, beating death. Through faith in Him we are adopted by grace as sons and daughters of our amazing Father God. He fills us with His Holy Spirit to go and share His good news throughout the world.
We are members of the evangelical alliance and embrace their statement of faith - https://www.eauk.org/about-us/basis-of-faith.
Honour - courage - generosity
God is worthy of all honour. There is a call on all creation to honour God. There is a need secondly to honour ourselves, as created in God’s image. Accepting we have value and are loved as Sons and Daughters of the Father. Finally, there is a call to honour others, in fact everyone who is made in God’s image.
Our Father, who we can speak to anytime and ask anything of, is God of all. Nothing is impossible for him. All the power is His, all the resources are His. This makes it possible, although we are weak, to be strong and courageous in Him. Courageous in faith, in stepping out, in invitation, in prayer and in vulnerability.
As we accept and enjoy the fullness of the gift that Jesus is to each of us, we are able to be generous with all we have. Jesus gave everything for us. So, we should give everything for him.
Leadership Team
Dave & Jude May
Faith Oyegbile
Roger & Hannah Mason
Dave and Jude May have been based in Oxford for over 10 years, where both have been involved in helping lead Emmanuel Oxford. During this time they led the student work, became part of the senior leadership team, and during the last few years started and successfully established a new site in the centre of Oxford. Dave worked full-time as a pastor for Emmanuel Oxford for the last 8 years and from September 2020 he started working for the Emmanuel Sheffield. Jude works part time as a freelance designer as well as looking after their two young boys and leading in church life. You can read more of our story here.
Ben Leach (Chair)
AliE Hattam
Ben BradBrook
Dave May
We are a Catalyst church. Catalyst is a network of churches within Newfrontiers. Matt Partridge and his Catalyst hub team, oversee and support us as a church. We are also members of the Evangelical Alliance. Locally we are part of Arise Sheffield, which is a growing initiative amongst churches in the City to work together for the good of Sheffield.